Twin Cities Headache Neck & Back Resources

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Whiplash can generate several symptoms that may cause discomfort ranging from dull to intense types of pain. Either way, the new symptoms can interfere with your daily activities, making work, exercise, and even focus for work and family challenging. 

Many people suffering from whiplash head to the medicine cabinet for short-term relief, but that’s not a sustainable solution and can even worsen your symptoms in the long run. Having an accurate diagnosis followed by treating the injury is the best way to manage your pain. 


In this post, we’re giving you:

  • Common whiplash symptoms
  • Tips to naturally self-treat whiplash at home
  • How your local chiropractor can provide lasting whiplash relief
  • And more


If you’ve been in injured, such as in a motor vehicle collision/accident, your first line of defense should be to seek chiropractic care to ensure your body is safe and fully functioning. Read on to learn more about whiplash and naturally healing it. 


Do I Have Whiplash?

Whiplash is typically the product of an injury, and since everyone can experience an accident or sports injury, everyone is susceptible to the condition. However, whiplash is not really a specific diagnosis, it is a mechanism of injury. Imaging saying you were diagnosed with a “sports injury”. You would realize it is not specific; was it an injury to the knee, the head, the shoulder? So remember this as you continue to read.

While many believe whiplash only appears due to a rear-ended car accident, that’s actually not always the case. 

When the head is suddenly and violently rocked back and forth, the neck’s tissues and the cervical spine (the portion of the spine in the neck) may be compromised from the unnatural and forceful stretch.  Even the low back is frequently injured in a car accident.


Common reasons for whiplash to occur include:

  • A rear-ended vehicle collision or any type of motor vehicle collision
  • A significant fall 
  • When the arms are strongly pulled 
  • A sports-related event, such as a tackle, hit, or push
  • A blow to the chin, head, or body, often due to a physical altercation 


The reaction to this type of trauma is typically inflammation in the beginning, in the neck tissues from internal tears and can create many symptoms.  


Common neck related whiplash symptoms include:

  • Neck pain 
  • Neck stiffness and loss of range of motion
  • Neck pain that worsens with movement
  • Headaches  
  • Tenderness or pain in the shoulder, upper back, and arms
  • Tingling or numbness in the arms
  • Lethargic tendency
  • Dizziness
  • Stress
  • And more


Natural At-Home Solutions for Whiplash Pain & Symptoms

While the symptoms caused by whiplash can be debilitating, they can also be treated with natural solutions at home. 

Tips to help relieve whiplash pain as you contribute to healing include:

Ice & heat therapy

  • Ice the injury as soon as possible after your accident to reduce swelling and inflammation; this will also have a numbing effect that can supersede your discomfort.
  • In the later stages of recover, one may apply heat to the neck, shoulders, and upper back to reduce muscle tension and promote healthy circulation to the area (only do this after reduced inflammation; heat can irritate inflamed tissues). 
  • At some point, one may apply each therapy for 15-20 minutes every 3-4 hours. When you start to utilize both, interchange them using the same session times.


Stretch & massage the neck & surrounding areas

Gently stretching and massaging the affected tissues will reduce muscle tension and pressure, nurture blood flow to the area, promote healthy and safe movement within the area, and reduce mental stress that can manifest in the neck and shoulders, heightening discomfort. Please note, you should have a doctor clear you of deeper internal injury where stretching would possibly provoke the deeper injury.


Get plenty of rest

The neck is almost constantly in use, as it supports the head, so provide it with adequate and proactive rest. This can be with a U-shaped pillow, headrest, or resting your head against the back of your chair or sofa. 

You should also use a firm pillow to encourage alignment integrity as you sleep. Quality sleep is always essential, but especially so when injured. As we sleep, our bodies work in overdrive to restore and rejuvenate, so don’t skip on sleep while suffering from whiplash. 


Visit St. Paul’s Best Whiplash Chiropractor for Lasting Whiplash Pain Relief 

These at-home treatments are likely to be helpful in managing symptoms, but visiting our chiropractic care team will ensure your body is optimally recovering and provide a strategy that gets lasting results. 

The chiropractic solutions we offer stimulate the body’s natural healing, never adding more trauma to the body but working with it so you get safe, effective results because we focus on the injury, not just the symptoms. 


Chiropractic services we often use to treat whiplash include:


Getting professional care for your injury is a responsible step toward full recovery. Chiropractors offer several benefits that enhance the healing process.

Don’t let your whiplash symptoms get in the way of your routine. Book with our St. Paul whiplash chiropractor today. We’re prepared to heal your body so you can take back control.  


Long Island, New York, June 14, 2024

Dr. Matthew Collins from St. Paul, MN Awarded a Fellowship in Primary Spine Care

Dr. Mark Studin, the clinical director of the Fellowship in Primary Spine Care, is proud to announce that Dr. Matthew Collins from St. Paul, MN has been awarded a Fellowship in Primary Spine Care. The Fellowship is Certified in Joint Providership from the State University of New York at Buffalo, Jacobs School of Medicine, Office of Continuing Medical Education, Cleveland University Kansas City, College of Chiropractic, and the Academy of Chiropractic. It is the first joint providership program between medical and chiropractic academia.

There has been a growing need for primary spine providers who can accurately diagnosis and efficiently manage imaging and referrals for those with spine pain. This need has been published and discussed in scientific literature. This background behind a primary spine care provider is summarized in this link:

The Fellowship Program is a 2-year intensive program on the spine and teaches the latest research findings in managing trauma cases and pain management, advanced imaging, collaboration with surgeons to help prevent surgery, and specializing in locating “before non-evident” causes of the pain. Dr. Studin commented, “This program is long-overdue as it gives options to spinal pain sufferers to help locate and treat spinal pain without opiates or other drugs that manage the pain, but not the cause of the pain. They now have an option that has been proven in the scientific literature that realizes outstanding outcomes.”

Dr. Studin further commented, “This Fellowship also bridges the gap between chiropractic and medicine and allows for better collaboration between the professions offering their patients with spinal pain more options to realize better results.”    

After practicing for 25 years in St. Paul, MN, Dr. Matthew Collins has continued his commitment to clinical excellence and is one of the first doctors in the nation to be awarded the Fellowship. With this Fellowship, he hopes to continue advancing primary spine care research and treatment so that more people can be helped by avoiding surgery and unnecessary pain that sometimes persists for a lifetime. Dr. Matthew Collins, currently at the time of award, is the only Doctor of Chiropractic in MN to have earned a Fellowship and has become a “beacon of light” to those seeking solutions to the #1 cause of disability in the nation, back pain.



Getting the best recovery results with any injury starts with the diagnostics. In order to form an effective treatment plan your doctor MUST know what was injured. Luckily, when it comes to spinal injuries, there are only 3 ways that the spine typically injures; you can fracture the vertebrae, you can injure the disc (herniations & bulges), or you can injure the spinal support ligaments that hold your both your spine and you spinal discs in proper alignment.

Contact Us

Twin Cities Headache Neck & Back

245 Ruth St. N #205
St Paul, MN 55119

(651) 925-5530

Our chiropractic office is located on the south side of Highway 94 at 245 North Ruth Street, on the corner of Ruth & Burns.


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