Degenerative Disc & Joint Disease

Degenerative Disc & Joint Disease Treatment in St. Paul

Helping the suffering get well with effective, gentle chiropractic care

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Degeneration of the spinal discs and joints is a condition where these tissues start to wear down over time. 

Spinal discs are soft shock absorbers that connect spinal bones together. 

Joints are where two bones meet, are connected, where the joint surfaces are covered with cartilage, and the two bones are held together by “straps” of tissue called ligaments. 

Degeneration can develop over time due to repetitive use, due to a sedentary lifestyle, develop over time following a traumatic injury, or can be due to generalized wear and tear over time.

Why is Degeneration Painful?

Degeneration can result in increased compressive forces across joints and bones. The joints can start to rub on each other. The spinal discs can thin out and dry out. 

This leads to a cycle of pain, spasm, inflammation following activity, and further wear and tear.

While not all degenerative conditions are painful, the risk of pain increases the more degeneration a person has.

Patients suffering with symptomatic degenerative discs and joints that we see at Twin Cities Headache Neck & Back often describe:

  • Progressive increase in stiffness
  • Gradual loss of range of motion
  • Pain during activity, or pain following activity

Types of Degeneration

Degeneration in the spine can show up as disc thinning and dehydration, and this is called degenerative disc disease. 

As the joints wear and tear, the surfaces can become rough, and in some cases, cysts can be seen in larger joints. This is called degenerative joint disease.

As tissues wear out, extra bony deposits can build up, and this is called spondylosis. If the bony deposits accumulate in the central spinal canal, a condition called central spinal stenosis can occur. Sometimes the bony buildup occurs where the nerves exit out of the spine, and this is called foraminal stenosis.

Our Approach to Degenerative Disc & Joint Disease

To diagnose degeneration of the discs or spinal joints requires a detailed history, physical exam and imaging to confirm the location and severity of the tissue changes.

Imaging can be either x-ray, MRI or CT scan. Based on the location and severity of degenerative changes, treatment planning may need to be modified and recovery expectations may need to change.

Pain Relief

At Twin Cities Headache Neck & Back, we offer non-surgical treatment to relieve back or neck pain caused by degeneration of the discs and or joints. Common treatment includes:

  • Chiropractic adjusting (typically Flexion/Distraction adjusting)
  • Manual therapy
  • Acupuncture 
  • Traction
  • Rehabilitation stretching and exercises

Spinal adjusting, especially flexion/distraction adjusting, releasing pressure inside the discs and joints. It also opens up areas where there is stenosis and decompresses tissues.

Some patients will require medical care in conjunction with chiropractic care to speed up pain recovery and maximize recovery. Chiropractic care at our St. Paul, MN, chiropractic clinic is gentle and effective.

Improved Function & Long Term Results

The goal is not to reverse degenerative changes to tissues. The goal is to reduce pain levels and improve function such as ability to exercise and do daily activity with the least amount of pain possible, and hopefully no pain.

You don’t have to live with pain.

When Should I See a Chiropractor if I Have Degeneration?

If you or someone you know is suffering from degeneration, get examined right away! This does not get better on its own over time. At Twin Cities Headache Neck & Back, we are here to help you. Call (651) 925-5530 today to schedule an examination.

Contact Us

Twin Cities Headache Neck & Back

245 Ruth St. N #205
St Paul, MN 55119

(651) 925-5530

Our chiropractic office is located on the south side of Highway 94 at 245 North Ruth Street, on the corner of Ruth & Burns.


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